The Aristoteles Latinus Database (ALD) contains texts that have been critically edited in the printed Aristoteles Latinus series
The Aristoteles Latinus Database (ALD) contains, texts that have been critically edited in the printed Aristoteles Latinus series. The database has been enriched with Latin translations of Aristotle’s works published outside the Aristoles Latinus series, with the translations of Greek commentaries on Aristotle and with other texts associated with the Corpus Aristotelicum.
The ALD is part of Brepolis Latin Complete, a cluster of databases relating to the study of Latin.
Alternate Name(s)
BAR Archive
British Archaeological Reports
provides access to reports published 1974-2022. Users will need to accept the BAR end user licence
BAR Publishing is one of the world's largest and most respected academic archaeology publishers. University of Liverpool users have access to the BAR Archive up to publications released in 2022 from both the British and International Series.
is a medically accurate, virtual map of the human body—composed of over 8,000 individually selectable 3D anatomical structures, 600 simulated health conditions, and a toolkit to map and visualize data.
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Alternate Name(s)
Library of Latin Texts
Monumenta Germaniae Historica
Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature
Aristoteles Latinus Database.
This interface allows the user to search various Latin full-text databases simultaneously, namely the Library of Latin Texts, Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Archive of Celtic-Latin Literature and the Aristoteles Latinus Database.
This common interface allows users to conduct a search of the various corpora.
The search-fields of ‘Cross Database Searchtool’ are Period, Author, Work, Century, and Word-forms, in other words the same fields that are found in the four databases.
Users who want the best results can continue to search each database individually.
CNKI, starting from the CD edition electronic journals publishing project launched by Tsinghua University in 1995, is the largest knowledge and information resources platform in China.
CNKI provides professional software products and services of various resources with unified search, unified navigation, online reading and download, such as Chinese academic literature, foreign literature, dissertations, newspapers, conference proceedings, yearbooks, reference books and so on.
provides access to market insights, company intelligence & macroeconomic data
covering 22 industries and 10 sub-sectors. GlobalData Explorer includes the content previously provided by Marketline, plus access to a wider range of content, including over 13,000 curated reports written by sector experts. Users cam explore, track and compare industries, economies and companies in a single platform.
is the new platform for content previously hosted by Accessible Archives. Available content includes diverse primary source materials reflecting broad views across American culture and history and contains materials from leading books, newspapers, and periodicals.
The archived historical information derives from eyewitness accounts of historical events, editorial observations, descriptions of daily life, commerce seen through advertisements, and genealogical records.
The Library of Latin Texts (LLT) gathers Latin texts of all genres and all periods
The texts have been taken from the Corpus Christianorum series and from many other leading editions.
The LLT (a project that was started in 1991 as the Cetedoc Library of Christian Latin Texts, CLCLT) is produced by the Centre ‘Traditio Litterarum Occidentalium’ (CTLO).
The Library of Latin Texts is part of Brepolis Latin Complete, a cluster of databases relating to the study of Latin.
is a project to build the largest full text repository of quality South Asian books, magazines, reports, historical journals, video, audio, zines, newspapers, magazines, letters, diaries, and other primary source materials.
The database provides in-depth, advanced searching, with centralized access to over 500 organizations, 350,000 documents, and millions of pages scattered across the internet.
A collection of 4.5 million pages of documents from across the Indian subcontinent from 1700 to 1953, originally collected by the South Asian Research Foundation (SARF).
The collection includes books, journals and documents from the region, covering India, Pakistan, Burma, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh. Its size and diversity aims to bring new and inclusive perspectives to learning and research across the humanities and social sciences