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KnowHow PhD Sessions: Systematic Reviews

Systematic Reviews

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1) Getting started with a systematic review: developing your review question

This session is an introduction to systematic reviews and forms the first part of three sessions devoted to systematic reviews. Developing your review question is the important first step.



2) Planning and doing a search for your systematic review 

This session is the second in the series on systematic reviews. There will be a live session on searching a database of published research, in this case, MEDLINE. The skills demonstrated to use this database are transferable to any subject or discipline. The session will be interactive with you practising simple searching skills, so you will need a computer or smart device with a keyboard.



3) Doing your systematic review: managing data and reporting

Good research is systematic, disciplined and rigorous. It also has to reported clearly in a way that it can be reproduced and contested. The session will share advice and tips from experienced systematic review authors on how to plan and manage your search results, data extraction, quality assessment and reporting of your review.