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Electrical Engineering: Knovel

Get started finding information and resources for Electrical Engineering & Electronics

Knovel video tutorials

What is Knovel?

Knovel is a key source of technical information for engineers and scientists.

It is an interactive e-book and database platform which gives fully searchable online access to hundreds of science and engineering publications including handbooks, dictionaries and technical reference books. Many resources also include interactive graphs, equations, charts and tables.

Additional Knovel video tutorials

Knovel Quick Start Guide

Knovel Interactive Equations

Browse collections of practical equations and worked examples. Use the Knovel Equation Solver to work out and export your calculations for your own reports or knowledge sharing.

Unit converter

Knovel has a comprehensive unit converter

Export Knovel citations

Search within Knovel and select the citation icon to get the resource citation. This can be exported to Refworks or another citation manager.