The English Language Centre provides an extensive, vibrant and innovative programme of academic language and skills support for students who are already studying at the University but who would like to improve their use of academic English.
These extremely popular classes are:
Submit a piece of your writing and discuss how to improve its communicative impact with an academic language tutor. Consultations are open to all students across the University and will:
Please note that tutors will NOT be able to:
Before you request a face-to-face appointment with an English Language Centre tutor to get feedback and advice on your personal statement,
you need to complete the preparation tasks available through the Careers and Employability website.
tasks will help you to:
By completing the tutorial and an associated workbook you will have created a draft personal statement for postgraduate study. Now you are ready to book a tutorial.
Upcoming ELC Workshops |
Events and workshops take place during the academic year. All events will be listed here when they become available.