Stats tutors can… |
Stats tutors will not… |
Help explain concepts that you may have come across, but not fully understood, for example the null hypothesis, p-values, critical values, normal distributions etc |
Analyse your data for you |
Help you to understand the different tests and guide you in selecting the appropriate test for your data | Tell you which test to use if you need to do this for yourself as an assignment (but they can help you to reach the right conclusion for yourself) |
Help you if you’re having issues with a type of stats software, for example not knowing how to transform data in SPSS, not understanding an output you’ve generated in Minitab, or getting an error on a code you’re trying to use in R |
Teach you software from scratch |
Help you interpret outputs you have already generated, e.g. where is the test statistic, which degrees of freedom should be quoted when writing up results |
Answer general maths questions such as ‘How can I calculate the hypotenuse of a triangle?’, ‘How do I solve this quadratic equation in physics?’ |
Help if you’re a research postgraduate and you want to discuss your study design, e.g. do you have enough samples?
Be able to help if you don’t come with a question. If you come along and expect to be taught statistics from scratch, there are better alternatives such as LinkedIn Learning, available via the KnowHow module on Canvas and VITAL |