We are here to support students and staff studying or researching in Veterinary Science. We will also be teaching on some programmes within this discipline.
Contact us for advice on how to use databases effectively, finding and evaluating resources, referencing and using reference management software EndNote.
If you are a member of staff and would like library inductions or academic skills teaching for your students, advice about maximizing Reading Lists @ Liverpool or have any questions about resources provided by the Library, please do get in touch.
Zoe & Sam
I am part time and my available hours are;
Monday - Wednesday 12:30
I am part time and my available hours are;
Wednesday 13:30 - Friday
BOB is Learning on Screen’s on demand TV and radio service for education. This academically-focused system allows staff and students at subscribing institutions to record programmes from over 75 free-to-air channels, and search an extensive archive of over 2.5 million broadcasts.
BOB allows staff and students to record and catch-up on missed programmes on and off-campus, schedule recordings in advance, edit programmes into clips, create playlists, embed clips into VITAL, share what you are watching with others and search a growing archive of material.
NOTE: BOB used to be known as Box of Broadcasts.