Trailblazers is a new Open Access (OA) initiative for the rising stars of their disciplines. Built on collaboration and knowledge-sharing between the libraries of Lancaster University, University of Liverpool, University of Salford, and the distinguished publisher Liverpool University Press, Trailblazers combines OA publication, to maximise the opportunity for impact from early career research, with a series of author masterclasses, which will equip Early Career Researchers with the knowledge and skills to support the publication of their work throughout their careers.
Selected Early Career Researchers will experience a transparent publication process, undergoing proposal and manuscript peer review, editorial guidance from senior commissioning editors, as well as professional copy-editing, typesetting, and marketing, concluding in the publication of an open access edition of their work. A series of masterclasses by publishing and library professionals will cover everything from how to write a proposal and turn a dissertation into a book, right through to how to index and what alt-text means, plus invaluable guidance on marketing, library collection management, research metrics, and how an open access monograph will benefit your research career.
By sharing knowledge from the publisher and library perspectives, the trailblazing Early Career Researchers selected for this programme will have a unique opportunity to truly understand the publishing process, while at the same time reaching the widest possible audience for their work.
If you are an Early Career Researcher at University of Liverpool, then please contact Martin Wolf, Head of Open Research ( for more information. If you are ready to submit your initial proposal, please complete the Trailblazers Initial Proposal form.