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I am here to support students in the School of Law and Social Justice in finding, evaluating, and using library resources to support their research and academic studies. I also offer support with OSCOLA referencing. If you are a member of staff and would like academic skills teaching for your students or have any questions about resources provided by the Library, please do get in touch.

Liaison Librarian

Profile Photo
Kate Murray

Databases and resources for law and legal subjects

Global Coronavirus Toolkit from Practical Law

Coronavirus Statutory Instruments Dashboard from the Hansard Society

COVID-19 in America: Response, Issues and Law a new resource from HeinOnline

Coronavirus resources from Westlaw UK

Referencing your sources using Harvard Cite them right

The KnowHow OSCOLA Referencing tutorial provides you with detailed information on the OSCOLA referencing style and provides you with the opportunity to practice using the style with some activity questions.

News from the Liverpool Law School

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Getting started with the library
Finding and using library materials
Reading Lists
Disability support