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Special Collections & Archives: MS.F.2.15: Book of Hours (use of Utrecht)accredited archive service logo

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LUL MS.F.2.15: Book of Hours (use of Utrecht). In Latin. Netherlands, 1551.

Detail of MS.F.2.13: MS.F.2.15: Book of Hours - opens full view of pagePhysical description: On parchment. viii + 168 leaves, 166 x 107 mm.

Contents: Prayers in Flemish added.

Decoration: 18 pictures with architectural Renaissance borders in yellow-brown with gold - preceding calendar, Sequence of the Gospels, Hours of the Virgin (8 pictures), Penitential Pslams, Office of the Dead, Oratio..., Hours of the Holy Spirit, Hours of the Compassions of the Virgin, Prayers of Pope Gregory, Prayers to the Virgin and other Suffrages (2 pictures). Initials: gold on a square of red, green, blue or purple.

Binding: Contemporary panel-stamped binding, with centre panels showing the Virgin and Child within a rectangular border with text from Revelations xii.i. Rebacked, ties wanting. Gilt-tooled spine title: Manuscrit de 1351' [sic].

Provenance 1650-1750: Late 17th and early 18th notes by the family of Eynatten de Thys. 

Provenance 1945-1945: Presented by Miss C. G. (Catherine Gladys) Coltart.



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