Market reports, company profiles and information on consumer and lifestyle profiling.
Mintel Reports contains consumer research, sales data, market information and analysis.
IbisWorld provides trusted industry research on thousands of industries in the UK, USA, Australia, New Zealand & Canada.
This video explains the variety of information you can get through our Financial Times subscription.
A statistics portal that provides data on topics including consumer goods, technology, the internet, travel, and tourism.
You can find SWOT analyses in most company and industry reports using the databases listed on the left.
See the below video for a demonstration on searching for SWOT analyses on multiple databases:
A great place to start your research is with the company's annual report. Companies usually provide their most recent annual reports on their own corporate website, so try a Google search for the company name.
The information from previous annual reports can usually be found in the company information databases on the left.
Plantoo47 (2010) "Business planning with plantoo"