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Referencing: About Referencing


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Contact your Liaison Librarian.

Referencing Training

Referencing Training

More details and booking information can be found on the KnowHow Guide.

Bookings open approximately one month in advance.

Introduction to Referencing


  • To show where your information came from
  • To allow your reader to identify your sources and verify your data
  • To show the extent of your research
  • To strengthen your academic argument
  • To avoid plagiarism


  • Quote using someone else's exact words
  • Paraphrase or summarise what they said
  • Use their idea
  • Use an image or diagram 


  • Books
  • Journal articles
  • Web sites
  • Reports
  • Anything you have referred to in your academic work


A guide for referencing and avoiding plagiarism

Macmillan cite them right: a guide for referencing and avoiding plagiarism


Tutorial: Introduction to Referencing (first time users will need to launch the tutorial, then register using their MWS account details)

Beware of plagiarism

Plagiarism is passing off someone else’s ideas as your own. If you don’t know when to cite and reference the sources you have used, you may be guilty of plagiarism without realising it. If you keep a record of where you find your information, then it will be easy to find the details when you need to reference your work.

For more information on plagiarism please refer to the University Policy for Dealing with Plagiarism, Collusion and Fabrication of Data (PDF).

Academic Integrity

Find out more about Academic Integrity in this short video. Complete the new interactive tutorial on CANVAS to ensure you’ve got the KnowHow.