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Online and Remote Studies: E-Journals

Online and Remote Studies

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Please see our 'Library Search' platform providing access to all our E-Books, E-Journals and more. You can see guides and video on using the platform. To log in click 'Sign In' (top right corner) then select 'University Members'. To provide us feedback please contact your Librarian
Note - the link below will focus your search for online resources, to search our print resources held in the Library, see the campus Library Web site.

You can search all E-Journals using Library Search or search other global journal platforms such as SCOPUS or Web of Science, or search individual full text collections. 

You can also browse all E-Journal databases on the A-Z list.

Go to an article by DOI (Document Object Identifier) e.g. 10.1103/PhysRevA.68.021801

For a range of video tutorials and guides on using databases and searching for E-Journal articles, see the Training page.