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Old Online Programmes (Forwarding to new site until Sept): Referencing

Library service for Online Students

Login Status -

Important - 

The 'login status' box is unavailable at present, please use DISCOVER or other links/databases or search boxes as normal, you will be challenged to log in when using databases.

Refworks Group Code

Refworks Group Code:

Perma link

Perma URL: send to clipboard


Library Referencing Guide

For additional support for referencing styles and software, see the Library's full Referencing Library Guide.

What is Referencing and Plagiarism?

When you write your assignment or dissertation you are required to refer to the work of authors. Each time you do so, it is necessary to identify their work by making reference to it in your written work. You need to reference to:

  • Show where your information came from.
  • Allow your reader to identify your sources and verify your data.
  • See our Principles of Referencing guide (online staff please embed this permalink:, also see Cite them Right and Skills4Study below for an online/interactive introduction to referencing.
  • Referencing styles are outlined below. You should consult your programme handbook or instructor to ensure you are using the correct Referencing Style.
  • Plagiarism is using the ideas, concepts or written material of others without proper acknowledgement of these sources. Plagiarism is a serious academic offense. Please see our guide Plagiarism and how to avoid it (online staff please embed this permalink:

Cite them Right Online

Cite them Right Online is a digital version of the 'Cite them Right' textbook providing a wide range of advice on referencing, for a demonstration see this Youtube video or visit Cite them Right Online. You do not need to create an account in Cite them Right, just follow the link to Cite them Right Online, you may be asked for your UoL (MWS) login details. Also see this tutorial  provided on understanding referencing.


The Library also provides Skills4Study, for advice on a range of academic writing skills and referencing. When you visit Skills4Study for the first time, you may need to accept the Terms and Conditions by completing a form, later you will simply need to visit Skills4Study and input your UoL (MWS) login when prompted. For assistance please see our online guide to getting started using Skills4Study.

Citation Management Platforms

Citation management applications can assist you in keeping track of your references and for performing tasks such as automatic export of citations from databases or generating a bibliography for use in your academic work. You can also use tools such as browser plugins to quickly export citations viewed in databases, scholarly sources or Web sites into your reference list. Plugins are also provided for managing citations in your reference list directly in Word, this integration is optional and will require your document has a live connection to the Internet when using Web based citation platforms, citation plugins for Word will also populate your document with field codes linking to your citation system; if you choose yo use citation management plugins for Word you should ensure you maintain full/regular backups of your academic work.

Note - The Library will be moving to EndNote products in the 2021 academic year, for students planning on using citation management products for the first time, please consider EndNote Online for a Web-based citation management system (see details below).


  • EndNote Online - a Web based citation management platform supported by the Library. EndNote Online is recommended for online students (who will be using citation systems remotely), allowing access to your reference library via the Web browser from any location. You can continue to use your EN account after graduating, the account then reverts to Basic (public version). Please see our EndNote Online support page for a workbook and video introducing the platform, guidance activating your EndNote Online login and help importing references directly from databases. Note - please see our registration advice for an EN Online Premium account, rather than registering for a basic account on the EN Online login page.
    Note - the EN Online registration page is also shown below when you are logged into the Library in the event of the registration link not working on the main Library Web site:
    EndNote Online Premium registration link:

    When you have registered for an EndNote Online login, you can access the platform at (also see a link to EN Online guidance in the left menu of the Library for Online Programmes).

  • EndNote Desktop - this is a desktop application (for Windows or Macintosh systems), this application provides more detailed options for managing citations, this application can be useful for medicine related programmers when processing large volumes of reference data, systematic review and complex manipulation of references (e.g. automatic filtering and sorting). For guidance using EndNote Desktop see our EndNote Desktop support page. Note - EndNote Desktop is not Web-based and stores references on your local computer. If you are using EndNote Desktop on a personal device (e.g. installed on your own computer off-campus) you should create an EndNote Online account and ensure synchronisation is enabled in your EndNote Desktop installation, this will ensure your reference library is stored and synced online, avoiding loss of data (see below).  
    Syncing EndNote Desktop using EndNote Online: In EndNote Desktop go to Edit > Preferences > Sync. If you already have an EN Online account, supply the same email address and password when you registered for EndNote Online.  Alternatively, click click 'Enable Sync', then 'Sign Up' to create an EN Online account.
    You are advised to use your UoL ( email when registering. Please note your EndNote Online login details.
    Ensure 'Sync Automatically' is checked, then click 'OK. 
    If you enable sync with EndNote Online your reference Library will be periodically saved to EndNote Online, protecting against data loss on your computer, you can also log into the Web-based EndNote Online platform ( with the same login details to manage your Library.

Refworks  - Supported on a Legacy Basis until Autumn 2021

If you wish to begin using a citation system (and are not a current RefWorks user), you are recommended to use EndNote Online - please see advice above.

Important note - the Library is replacing the RefWorks citation platform with ‘EndNote Online’ (and ‘EndNote Desktop’ as a personal download). The RefWorks platform will continue to be supported on a legacy basis, with support ceasing 31 August 2021.
Note RefWorks will not be withdrawn until the end of the current online partnership with Laureate. There should be no disruption for current students with Laureate.

Any online students remaining in studies after RefWorks support ceases (31 August 2021) should see guidance below to transfer reference libraries to EndNote Online (you should ensure you transfer your library in advance of this date).

Students engaged in studies beyond August 2021
If you will be studying beyond August 2021 (end of support for RefWorks), you should consider transferring your reference library to EndNote Online, see our RefWorks support site for transfer instructions, note - if you will be using the RefWorks Word plugin (Write N Cite) within academic documents after August 2021, or require further help transferring your library earlier please contact the Librarian for advice.

You can log into RefWorks at: For legacy guides on Refworks see our RefWorks support page 
For further help and advice on RefWorks or EndNote Online/Desktop please contact your Librarian for advice.

Referencing Styles

Harvard (Cite them Right)

Harvard is used for disciplines such as management, computing and some health programmes. This version of Harvard is based on the Palgrave referencing textbook "Cite them Right". "Harvard (Cite them Right)" is widely supported across databases and referencing systems. 

Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA)

OSCOLA is used for law programmes.

American Psychological Association (APA) 

APA is used for some psychology and education programmes.

Other Styles - 


Vancouver is used for some medicine programmes.


This style is used by some online records management or achival programmes


When you submit your academic work online your work will be evaluated for plagiarism in the Turnitin system. You should enclose all references in quotation marks ""  to prevent Turnitin recording the reference as plagiarism.If you are required to submit work in Turnitin. You should also use quotation marks to enclose quotations of your own previously-submitted work otherwise a plagiarism occurrence will be activated in Turnitin. Our Principles of Referencing guide provides detailed information on self-referencing. 

Other resources to support your referencing...