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Library for Online Programmes

The University of Liverpool provides a range of cloud-based tools and platforms (listed below), allowing you to access your network drive (M drive) and campus applications when off-campus, for detailed advice and Computing Services Department (CSD) guidance, knowledgebase, chat and other enquiry options, see the CSD Web site at   

You can use two kinds of storage with UoL (see links and notes below) -

  • Your 'M drive' is your University network drive, stored on the UoL network, you will need to use either Citrix, the Remote Desktop service or similar networking options to access this drive.
  • Microsoft 'One Drive' allows you to store files in your One Drive account for access on your Desktop compiter as a normal drive/folder, or for online viewing in One Drive or via mobile devices. One Drive is part of your Microsoft Office 365 suite of online or desktop applications. You will need to log into Office 365 using your MWS account in the format and MWS password - note, you cannot log in with your email alias (e.g. j.jones45), instead type your MWS username in the above format (used to log into the Library).
  • Note - the 'M drive' and 'One Drive' are separate storage services. Also note - most remote access options listed below such as Citrix and Remote Desktop provide access to your 'M Drive' on the UoL network. For One Drive, see notes above.
  • Note on EndNote software and cloud drives: you are advised not to save your EndNote Desktop references (library) to OneDrive or other cloud 'folders' on your harddrive, this is because if you select a cloud 'folder' or 'drive' on your computer, the EndNote library can be corrupted. Instead, please enable syncing within EndNote Desktop to ensure your library is backed-up regularly to the EndNote cloud, this also means you can log into EndNote Online (Web based EndNote) in a Web browser at any time/location to see your reference library, as this will sync your desktop library with EndNote Online. For more details, see the Referencing page, then Software for EndNote advice.

Tools to access the UoL network remotely and your 'M Drive'

Note, some CSD (IT Department) systems such as the Remote Desktop service now use 'Duo' SMS based authentication, this involves registering a mobile device and inputting an SMS sent to your mobile for additional authentication. 

  • File management applications (to access your M drive remotely) - see the Computing Services Web site.
  • Citrix (virtual desktop/ applications) -  see tab above, this can be run as a desktop application or via Web page (Web Apps/Apps Anywhere). Note - the Web based version 'Apps Anywhere' cannot be used to access/save files on your local PC, but can only access your M drive (UoL network drive). Citrix provides a number of Web browser applications which can be used in a similar format to a VPN for remote access to Library E-Resources or other Web  based content. Note - you should ensure you consult VPN and related regulations in your region. 
  • VPN and Proxies - see the Support page for information on other VPN type applications and approaches, these can be useful for accessing the Library Web site or E-Resources when experiencing connectivity issues for some world regions (also see note on safe use of external VPN below).
  • Remote Desktop service - this provides remote access to a campus PC (including full access to network applications and your network storage on-campus), you can also use this service for Web browsing and access drives/files on your local device, please contact the Librarian for further assistance. Note - this service requires registration of your mobile phone with Duo (dual factor authentication) to receive SMS codes when logging in.
  • Further options for staff - there are additonal UoL tools available for staff including Microsoft Teams (used for departmental communications), SharePoint and GlobalConnect (staff VPN configured for access to MWS storage), for details see the CSD site or speak to a contact in your academic department.

When using freely available third party Web Browsers offering VPN, Proxies or similar applications, you should avoid transmitting any sensitive, financial or personal identifiable information as these services can process this data, or transfer data via other services. External Web Browsers are used at your own risk and are not operated by the University Library.

Citrix allows you to run a range of networked campus applications. You need to be online when running Citrix. Applications are not installed on your own computer/device but run online from campus servers.

You can access Web browser applications such as Internet Explorer or Firefox within Citrix, this may overcome connectivity problems for some world regions, note - you should ensure you consult VPN and related regulations in your region. 

For serious use of networked applications such as SPSS, Stats Direct and other applications you are advised to use a personal copy installed on your computer (see CSD software/discounts). Also note - the Citrix desktop client allows for downloading/uploading files to your local PC, whilst the Web based version allows access only to your campus network 'M' drive and does not allow access to local drives.

Note about Duo authentication - before using Citrix (or the Remote Desktop Service also shown below) you will need to ensure you have set up Duo (dual factor authentication) on your mobile device. You will need to install the Duo app on your mobile device for Citrix workstation (see link below). For the Remote Desktop or Apps Anywhere services you only need to register your mobile number when prompted (you should not need to install the app for these platforms, see links below).

Remote Desktop service 

This provides remote access to a campus PC (including full access to network applications and your network storage on-campus), you can also use this service for Web browsing and access drives/files on your local device, please contact the Librarian for further assistance. Note - this service requires registration of your mobile phone with Duo (dual factor authentication) to receive SMS codes when logging in (you should not need to install the Duo app for this system, simply follow the instructions to register your mobile device/number when promoted to receive the SMS code for system entry).

Cirtrix workstation (desktop client version) 

This is a desktop application which allows you to run a range of networked campus applications, including the ability to run Web browsers such as Internet Explorer. Citrix workstation requires you install the Duo mobile app. Please also see our setup instructions to use Citrix on Windows or Macintosh computers (you should not need to install the Duo app for this system, simply follow the instructions to register your mobile device/number when promoted to receive the SMS code for system entry).

Apps Anywhere)

Apps Anywhere provides remote access to UoL applications from your Web browser, including the ability to run Web browsers such as Internet Explorer. You can use Apps Anywhere to access/ save to your University 'M' drive (networked drive) or use the Windows Explorer (file manager) provided in Web Apps to access these files. Important note - Apps Anywhere is unable to save or open files locally on your own PC. Also see Computing Services Web Apps support. Note - you will need to install the Duo mobile app for Citrix workstation.