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Library for Online Programmes

Library Service Status, new Trials and Subscriptions

Staff Student Liaison Committee report (online programmes) August 2024

Staff Student Liaison Committee (online programmes) report August 2024

The SSLC report for online programmes includes:

  • Marketline is upgrading to GlobalData Explorer
  • Westlaw (legal platform) free certification
  • Research support webinars
  • China National Knowledge Infrastructure (Trial until 31 December 2024)
  • New online and remote studies library guide is coming

Please see the presentation (PDF version) attached:

Library Referencing month, bookable webinars, online tutorials and support

Library Referencing month, bookable webinars, online tutorials and support

This November, we are running several workshops and webinars to help improve your confidence in referencing. As well as covering the most commonly used styles of Harvard Cite them Right, OSCOLA, APA and others, we are also running sessions to get you started with referencing management software EndNote. You can see what sessions are coming up and book your place on our KnowHow website.

We also have several online tutorials available on referencing, which you can access 24/7. These include:

Referencing your Sources using Harvard Cite them Right

Referencing your Sources using OSCOLA

Introduction to EndNote

You can also access one to one support with referencing. Each subject will have a dedicated Liaison librarian (see Paul's details for online programmes support), who will be an expert in the style you use for your assignments. You can get in touch with them via email or book an appointment to meet them via Teams or in the library.

WestLaw Certification

WestLaw Certification

Get certified in Westlaw UK & Practical Law - Westlaw UK & Practical Law Certification Training gives you a walk-through of Westlaw UK & Practical Law with the option to then test your skills and become certified. When you complete the certification test, you will need to indicate your university as 'University of Liverpool', we recommend also supplying your UoL email address when prompted for your email:

  • Westlaw UK basic certification
  • Westlaw UK advanced certification
  • Westlaw international training module
  • Practical Law certification

Doctoral online webinars November to July (KnowHow online sessions)

Please see the following online doctoral support sessions being offered by our KnowHow study skills service. Note these sessions are primarily designed to support PhD study, however the sessions may be useful for online doctoral programmes such as EdD and DBA.

Sessions are usually on Teams or Zoom. Further details will be available once you have booked.

For further details and to book on sessions please visit the PhD Sessions KnowHow page.

  • Getting started with academic publishing and open access - Wednesday 8th November, 11:00 - 11:45. 
  • Copyright and your PhD thesis - Thursday 16th November, 10:00 - 11:00.
  • Systematic Reviews (please note, systematic reviews are research methods typically used in biomedical evidence-based studies, using schemes such as PRISMA or Cochrane, for general help using systematic reviews for online study see this page).
    • Part 1 -  Tuesday 21st November, 11:00 - 12:00. 
    • Part 2 - Tuesday 28th November, 11:00 - 12:30. 
    • Part 3 -  Tuesday 5th December, 11:00 - 12:30. 
  • Think. Check. Submit. - Wednesday 22nd November, 10:00 - 11:00. 
  • Literature searching: tips and tricks - Tuesday 28th November, 10:00 - 11:00. 
  • Advanced Endnote - Thursday 30th November, 10:00 - 11:00.

For our full list of scheduled study skills sessions, including help with academic writing, research or statistics please see the KnowHow page, for past recordings and video tutorials see the Webinars and Sessions page.

Ovid new user interface

Ovid new user interface

The Ovid medical/ bio-sciences database has undertaken a new user interface, please see an overview of new and updated features at:

Ovid new user interface



Problems logging into 'Library Search' (new platform)

Following some changes to Library systems on August 23rd some of our systems such as 'Reading Lists @ Liverpool' may now direct your E-Resource via our new 'Library Search' discovery platform. You can preview the new 'Library Search' platform from the homepage of the Library for Online Programmes (see the new search platform / link shown under DISCOVER). 

If you are having difficulties using 'Library Search' such as problems logging in using 'Sign In' (top right corner of the new platform), you may need to note the title of the E-Book or E-Journal article you require, then type or paste this into the DISCOVER search box shown on the homepage, you can also limit your search to a specific title by clicking the 'Title' checkbox.

For further assistance please contact the Online Librarian using any contact options on the Support page (see the Librarian tab or booking form if you require a scheduled session via Skype, Teams or Zoom).

Reminder on our new 'Library Search' Platform (and retirement of DISCOVER Spring 2023).

Reminder on our new 'Library Search' Platform (and retirement of DISCOVER Spring 2023).

'Library Search' is our new discovery platform for all our licensed ebooks and ejournals. 'Library Search' is available from the homepage of the LIbrary for Online Programmes (configured to show digital resources) or the campus LIbrary homepage (configured for digital and print resources).

Our older DISCOVER platform will become accessible as a link only on the LIbrary for Online Programmes homepage near the end of December 2022, you will still be able to follow a link to visit DISCOVER after this time, but this link will be removed in Spring 2023.

You are advised to familiarise yourself with our new 'Library Search' platform. For an introduction please see the video tutorial 'Using Library Search'.

Our individual full text collections such as Emerald, ScienceDirect, Springer and journal databases such as SCOPUS and Web of Science, or specialist databases such as Ovid, WestLaw, MarketLine etc., all remain available as usual. See the E-Resources or Subjects pages for individual databases.

You can see a range of video tutorials and guides on using 'Library Search' on the Training page.

You can still log into the LIbrary for Online Programmes (see the 'Log in' link in the left menu) using your UoL (MWS) login to begin using databases, including Library Search.

See 'Available Online' links in 'Library Search' results to visit full text resources. For help using the 'Sign In' feature in 'Library Search' (to save favourites and similar functions), see the video tutorial 'Using Library Search'. Note - it is not necessary to use the 'Sign In' feature for full text. 

For a full overview of the changes, see this schedule for 'Library Search'.

If you have difficulties using the above options or have any questions, please consult the online Librarian, or schedule a consultation (Teams, Zoom), or see further contact details on the Support page.

Library System Changes for 2022/23 (Library for Online Programmes)

Library System Changes for 2022/23 (Library for Online Programmes) 

Library systems will be changing this Autumn to improve our services, this will result in a unified Library interface rather than rely on older separate platforms. This new system will provide much better integration for Library physical and online resources.

Our new search platform for print and online resources will be available from Aug 23rd 2022, you are advised to familiarise yourself with the new platform from this time. We will be phasing out the DISCOVER platform, which will be retired from the Library for Online Programmes in Spring 2023.

The Library will be experiencing some changes from August 23rd 2022, if you use personalised features in DISCOVER, loan physical items using the Library Catalogue or use other personalised Catalogue features, please see instructions at the link below for archiving any personal data.

For further details, instructions for archiving legacy data and a timetable for changes, please see

Library user experience survey (Library Life Pulse Survey)

The Library is currently taking part in the Library Life Pulse Survey. This is an opportunity to share insight into your Library needs, preferences and satisfaction levels. The survey is open to all students and academic or professional services staff. Please see the above link to take part in the survey.

As a thank you for taking part, you will be entered into a prize draw to win one of five £50 Amazon vouchers and a bundle of Library merchandise. The closing date for the prize draw will be midnight on the 19th May 2022 and the draw will take place on 24th May 2022.

Winners will be chosen randomly and contacted within three weeks of the draw date. The questionnaire is being administered by an independent research agency, Alterline. All survey responses will be reported anonymously and will not be identifiable to you in any way. We have found this survey takes, on average, 15 minutes to complete. 

Introduction to O'Reilly Computing Science E-Resources for Students and Staff

If you have an interest in coding, computing or information technology then take a look at our new resource O'Reilly for Higher Education. The O'Reilly digital platform includes ebooks, audio books, case studies and videos from O'Reilly and other related publishers. The Library is hosting an Introduction to O’Reilly for Higher Education online on 26th April. Register to receive a recording even if you cannot attend the session.

O'Reilly Textbook Problems and Workaround

You may find you see an error when accessing textbooks on the O'Reilly E-Book collection, if you have difficulties using the collection, please visit the O'Reilly site at (you will need to log in via your UoL/MWS username and password unless you have already done so), then search for the E-Book title to see this shown in results listed, then click the title to access the E-Book.

If you still have difficulties, please contact the E-Learning Librarian using usual contact options.


SCOPUS webinars for researchers

Please see the following sessions exploring advanced use of the SCOPUS database for researchers, you can use the links below to book a place on these Webinars provided by SCOPUS:

Getting the most out of Scopus for research

Wed 13th April 2pm – 3:15pm

Scopus online seminar presented by Michaela Kurschildgen, Consultant and Training specialist from Elsevier. This live demonstration will introduce Scopus as a tool for research students and researchers who need access to the latest relevant research. Some of the topics the session will explore include how to search smarter not harder, tracking research trends and visualising the research landscape.

Scopus Yourself: learn all about Scopus author profiles

Thu 21st April 2pm – 3:00pm

Scopus online seminar presented by Michaela Kurschildgen, Consultant and Training specialist from Elsevier. This session will introduce you to Scopus author profiles and associated author level metrics. The session will show you how to review and update your research details, understand how to connect your Scopus author profile with ORCID and help you identify experts or track who is citing your research.

Students - your views on Reading Lists please!

The library really wants to hear how our students find using Reading Lists @ Liverpool as part of your whole learning experience. 

This short survey will take no time at all and your feedback will help us to target our support and improve your experience -


Library Catalogue Problems 10/01/21

The Library Catalogue system ( is currently experiencing technical difficulties, this has been reported and will hopefully be resolved shortly.

If you need to search for E-Books or online articles, please use the DISCOVER platform (shown on the Library for Online Programmes homepage) or other specialist databases/ collections for your subject area.

If you are having difficulties accessing a link from your reading list, you can look up an E-Book using DISCOVER, use the 'Search by title' checkbox and supply the exact title of the text when searching.

To look up an E-Journal article, use the same method shown above, or use a major journal index such as SCOPUS or Web of Science, these platforms will show an 'Is it @ Liverpool' link providing full text access in most cases.

You can also look up an article using the Go to an article form or using the article's DOI number.

If you still have difficulties, please contact the online librarian via email (, Skype (ohecampus), or see other options, including 24/7 contact options at 

Library login/ authentication problems 18/11/21

The Library and E-Resources, including databases, E-Books, E-Journals etc. are experiencing a general login/ authentication problem, this issue has been reported to the IT Service Desk, we apologise for any inconvenience.

Possible workaround:

Please try clearing all browser cache/ cookies/ session data, then close all instances of your Web browser, then re-launch your browser to visit the Library or E-Resources.

You can also try using a different browser, or a fresh install of a new browser such as Firefox.

Taylor & Francis Platform Problems 08/11/21

Taylor & Francis Platform Problems 08/11/21

The Library has received reports of a 'cloudflare' error when using the Taylor & Francis E-Book platform, if you have problems accessing E-Books or other E-Resources in this platform, please try the following options -

  • Try using the Library Catalogue to search for the item by title, you can see a link to the Catalogue on the campus Library homepage (large icon under the DISCOVER box), then use the 'Get Full Text' link when you see the item record. You can also see a link to the catalogue on the Library for Online Programmes homepage.
  • Or, try logging into Taylor and Francis platform directly at this link, then search for the E-Book or other item required, then try to follow a link to download or view the item online.
  • If you see a 'cloudflare' error in Taylor & Francis, click the 'login' link in the top right corner, then click 'With Shibboleth or Open Access' then select the 'University of Liverpool' from the list of insitutions when prompted.

Please contact your librarian if you still have difficulties, including any publication/ citation details for the item you are trying to access, online students can contact Paul Catherall, online Librarian using any contact details shown under the Support page in the left menu of the Library for Online Programmes.

Changes to Library Authentication (Dual SMS/ App Authentication) - IMPORTANT

Please note that IT Services have announced changes to Library authentication which will require use of Duo (dual authentication), this will mean that you will need to use our Duo SMS or Duo App to additionally log into Library E-Resources from Monday 8th November.

You will need to enrol your mobile device with the IT Services Duo Web portal. When logging into Library E-Resources you will need to receive either an SMS containing a code to proceed with your login (or you can use the Duo app installed on your mobiile device).

For help using Duo dual authentication see

If you have difficulties enroling your mobile device or other issues using Duo, please contact the IT Service Desk in the first instance.
When calling the IT Services 24/7 Telephone +44 (0) 151 79 44567 or IT Services chat you are recommended to remain on the line until you have been able to resolve your issue and actively log into the Library or E-Resources.

You can also email IT Service Desk using the Service Now portal or email: 

Please see the IT Services announcement for further details.

EndNote Desktop Installation issues

Unfortunately some users may experience issues downloading EndNote Desktop for Windows on the CSD Software hub, for some users their Chrome browser's security may reject the download, a workaround is to use another standard Web browser such as Firefox. Also, if the user is presented with a Windows Defender screen when installing EndNote, they can click 'More info', then 'Run anyway'.
For assistance with EndNote, including installation issues please contact the Online Librarian or schedule a session using any of the contact details shown in the Library for Online Programmes on the Support > Online Librarian page.

New Open Access Macroeconomics textbook with LSE Press

Please see the following newly released Open Access Macroeconomics textbook released by LSE press:

Campante, F., 2021. Advanced Macroeconomics. London: LSE Press. DOI:

Information about the textbook:

Macroeconomic policy is one of the most important policy domains, and the tools of macroeconomics are among the most valuable for policy makers. Yet there has been, up to now, a wide gulf between the level at which macroeconomics is taught at the undergraduate level and the level at which it is practiced. At the same time, doctoral-level textbooks are usually not targeted at a policy audience, making advanced macroeconomics less accessible to current and aspiring practitioners.

This book, born out of the Masters course the authors taught for many years at the Harvard Kennedy School, fills this gap. It introduces the tools of dynamic optimization in the context of economic growth, and then applies them to a wide range of policy questions – ranging from pensions, consumption, investment and finance, to the most recent developments in fiscal and monetary policy. It does so with the requisite rigor, but also with a light touch, and an unyielding focus on their application to policy-making, as befits the authors’ own practical experience.

Advanced Macroeconomics: An Easy Guide is bound to become a great resource for graduate and advanced undergraduate students, and practitioners alike.

EndNote Online DISCOVER Issues 27/10/21

At present, export links to EndNote Online from DISCOVER appear to be having difficulties, this issue has been reported to the EndNote company (Clarivate), the issue does not appear to impact the desktop version of EndNote.

Please see the following alternative options for exporting database citations into EndNote Online -

One workaround for journal citations is to use Web of Science (see the A-Z of databases), firstly locate the journal item, then in search results, check the check-box next to the item, then use Export > EndNote Online (see top menu, or see the Export option in the right menu if viewing a full item record).

For other databases, a manual import of a RIS export might be necessary - within EN Online, go to Collect (top menu) > Import References then choose a RIS export file on the local computer and select 'Refmain RIS' in the pulldown list (you can also use the ENW type e.g. if exported from Scholar select 'EndNote Import' in the pulldown). For help importing a RIS file, see the EN Online workbook.

For books if DISCOVER Is having issues - you can typically use an 'Export' link or icon in the actual book platform's item/ record (i.e. when viewing the actual book in the online collection).

Alternatively you can use the Library Catalogue - in the item record, go to 'Save Record' (top menu), then 'View Saved Records', then 'Export Saved', change the bullet menu on the left to 'End-Note', then select 'Local Disk' (right side of page), press 'Submit' to generate an export file.

WorldCat can also be used to obtain a RIS export for books, from WorldCat search for an item, then go to 'Cite/Export' (top menu), then click 'Export to EndNote' for a RIS file.

For further help or support please contact the online Librarian using any of the contact options in the Library for Online Programmes support page.

Connectivity Support

If you experience connectivity difficulties such as being returned back to a login sceeen, a blank page or a server error when using the online Library, then you may need to follow some of the suggestions below.

For further assistance with connectivity difficulties, please contact the Online Librarian via Skype, Tel, email or MS Teams please see

SCOPUS problems 19/10/21

The SCOPUS database is currently experiencing difficulties, you may not be able to search the platform or sign in with a SCOPUS profile. For an alternative global citation database, please use Web of Science shown on the Library for Online Programmes homepage (see Major Databases tab) or see Your Subject and see other citation databases for your subject area. This issue has been reported.