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Library for Online Programmes

Note for programme developers - for linking/ embedding guides, videos, tutorials please use persistent URLs (see Staff page).

Accessibility and Individual Needs for Library Resources

Introduction to the Online Library

E-Resource Types and Information Sources

Getting Started Using E-Resources

Explaining Library Terms

Using your reading lists

Note for programme developers - for linking/ embedding guides, videos, tutorials please use persistent URLs (see Staff page).

Using Library Search for E-Journals, E-Books and other Scholarly Content

Accessing and browsing an E-Journal Table of Contents

Searching for E-Journal Articles and Scholarly Papers

Locating a required E-Resource

Tips for Searching

Accessing Theses and Dissertations

Carrying out your Literature Review or Systematic Review

Multmedia, Documentary and Interactive Resources

Using E-Books and E-Book Collections

Note for programme developers - for linking/ embedding guides, videos, tutorials please use persistent URLs (see Staff page).

Introduction to Referencing, Citation and Bibliographies

Note for programme developers - for linking/ embedding guides, videos, tutorials please use persistent URLs (see Staff page).

Searching the Internet and Evaluating Web sites 


KnowHow Tutorials


In addition to online tutorials below, you can view previous recorded KnowHow sessions or see further details about KnowHow on the Other Webinars and Support tab.

Also see the following additional KnowHow resources:
KnowHow Stats YouTube channel or our LinkedIn learning playlists on: SPSS,  STATA,  MinitabRGeneral Stats.

LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning provides a wide range of video tutorials and modules for a wide range of academic support, research, technical and professional topics. See help logging into LinkedIn Learning.

Suggested LinkedIn modules:

Note for programme developers - for linking/ embedding guides, videos, tutorials please use persistent URLs (see Staff page).

Research Resources and Support

Textbooks to support your studies

You can access a range of textbooks to support your studies or research using our Library Search platform, such as:

Sage Research Methods (Methods/ Methodology textbooks, video and tutorials)

SAGE Research Methods can be used across the social sciences, health sciences and many other disciplines.
Note - when searching, select 'Content Available to Me' (right menu in results page) to avoid non-subscribed content.


LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning provides a wide range of video tutorials and modules for a wide range of academic support, research, technical and professional topics. See help logging into LinkedIn Learning.

Suggested LinkedIn Learning Resource:

Note for programme developers - for linking/ embedding guides, videos, tutorials please use persistent URLs (see Staff page).

Also see the Campus and Other Libraries page for services such as print borrowing and related services.

Note for programme developers - for linking/ embedding guides, videos, tutorials please use persistent URLs (see Staff page).

Kopernio (browser plugin to access E-Resources

Use this plugin to access E-Resources when using the WWW to search.

How to configure Citrix Workspace

Help Using Google Scholar

How to Install and Use EndNote Remotely

Remote access to Files, Applications and VPN

Using the Web and Accessing Documents

Your Library login, Computing Resources and Technical Support

Using Digital Rights Managed (DRM) E-Books and Adobe Digital Editions

See Webinars and Sessions for:

  • Library support via chat/Skype/Tel and bookable sessions (Skype/Teams) on using the Library, your literature search, referencing or referencing software with the online Librarian.
  • KnowHow for online study skills, writing and statistics tutorials, bookable sessions/ stats clinics, also pre-recorded webinars and videos.
  • Training and guides provided by specialist databases/ providers.
  • Direct enquiries/ analyst advice from databases (e.g. MarketLine business analytics).
  • LinkedIn Learning (educational video and certified modules on a range of technical, IT, research and other topics)

Please note that UoL/campus services do not have a site wide license for the Grammarly software, please see suggestions below for accessing alternative software and support options available.

Grammar support using Microsoft Office

University students can obtain the full Microsoft Office 365 application, this has an in-built grammar checker which can be enabled or configured within Word, via the desktop application or online version, see: (also this this Microsoft guide on using the Word 365 review tool for checking grammar).

KnowHow Writing Sessions (live events online/ oncampus)

You can attend a range of live sessions/ tutorials on writing-related topics with our 'KnowHow' study skills programme see the full list of bookable events a little way down the campus Library homepage (many of these are provided via Microsoft Teams for online attendance), online students can also see a link to the bookable sessions in the Training area of the Library for Online Programmes, then see the Webinars and Support page, the page also lists recordings of previous sessions you can watch at any time.

KnowHow Writing Tutorials (video and quizes)

If you are registered with a campus programme you may also be able to access online writing skills tutorials within your Canvas learning environment, please consult your tutor for further details, or see the KnowHow support page.

Online students can view a range of KnowHow online tutorials/video at any time on topics such as note taking, writing and preparing presentations. See the Training area of the Library for Online Programmes (then see the Study tab).

Support in your campus school/ department

If you are registered with a campus programme, or based with a research institute e.g. carrying out a PhD/MPhil or other research, please also consult your programme team or research supervisor for potential grammar/ writing support within your school. Your department or institute may provide additional guidance or resources to support your writing and research.

If you are studying on a campus programme you can also approach your laision librarian for advice on campus Library services and support.

Support for Online Students

If you are studying with Kaplan Open Learning, our E-Learning partner, you can also consult your Student Advisor for advice on writing, also see online writing tutorials and guides on the KOL student portal.

See the Library homepage to access 'Library Search' for all our books, journals and further resources in print and online.

For help using Library Search, please see our video and guides:

Using Library Search for E-Journals, E-Books and other Scholarly Content

Tips for Searching

Additional tutorials

  • Using Library Search - help on using keywords, wildcards and searching, see video tutorial or Word guide.
  • For short guides on advanced search options and saving your searches see User Help.