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Library for Online Programmes

Webinars and Sessions

Library support and scheduled consultations

Please see the Support area of this site for: the Library 24/7 Desk and IT Service Desk for password help. 

The Online Librarian provides individual and in-depth Library support via MS Teams/e-mail or Tel on using the Library, using databases, referencing, using referencing software, advice for your literature review or systematic review and help connecting to Library services. 
You can also schedule a consultation with the Online Librarian.
The online library provides a range of video tutorials.

KnowHow bookable seminars and tutorials

KnowHow is a UoL service providing study skills, writing, statistics and EndNote referencing software seminars, the sessions require you install Microsoft Teams to connect to sessions (log into Teams with your MWS details in the format MWS For a list of timetabled KnowHow sessions, see a little way down the campus Library homepage or training calendar.  

Note for doctoral, PhD, MPhil and research staff, please also see our Researcher KnowHow site for information on research support and bookable sessions (e.g. research data management, Open Access support and Research Impact).

KnowHow Online Tutorials (Study/Writing/Statistics)

See the Training area in the left menu, then see the Study tab for online KnowHow tutorials you can access at any time on a range of study skills, writing and statistics topics.

Recordings of KnowHow and Library Webinars

You can access previously recorded KnowHow Webinars/ online sessions delivered for student groups:

Reading Lists @ Liverpool staff training

Reading Lists @ Liverpool - staff training is regularly provided on-campus (see RL@L site or the training calendar) you can also contact the Librarian for Online Programmes to schedule one-to-one or group-based staff training via Skype or Teams. 
You can also see previous RL@L recorded sessions provided by the Library for staff, explaining how to use the platform.
Important - some features mentioned on the RL@L site, guides and recordings such as list reviews, print book stocking/ purchase and scanning are managed differently for online partnership programmes (for partnership programmes, please contact the E-Learning Librarian for advice on these functions).

Training and analyst enquiries provided by specialist databases

Most licensed/ commercial databases provide guides, video, bookable training/ webinars or enquiry services for specialist database advice and analysis. You can also contact the Online Librarian if you have any difficulties or for additional support using individual databases.

See the following database links for analyst enquiries or bookable training/webinars:

For other databases/collections, browse to the individual database where you require guides, training or analyst support (see the Subject page or A-Z of databases), then navigate to the Help, Support or similar area on that database.

LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning provides a wide range of video tutorials and modules for academic support, research, technical and professional topics. See help logging into LinkedIn Learning.

Suggested LinkedIn modules

Microsoft Learn

Also see the Microsoft Learn platform (you can log in using your UoL login in the format to complete certificates on a range of technical and information communications topics. 

Doctoral College resources

A range of tutorials, video and guides are available to support research based programmes such as EdD/DBA for writing and preparing research projects, please, see this link.