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Library for Online Programmes

You can download a variety of mobile apps for either the Android or Apple (itunes) stores to access Library E-Resources or access other University systems or services. Please also see tabs above for further guidance.

General options for use of mobile devices to transfer, open and read eresources such as PDFs

Citation platforms usually provide some app, or Web-based access (for access on a mobile device). The citation management application provided at UoL is EndNote, we recommend installing EndNote on a desktop or laptop computer, then set up 'syncing' with an EndNote Online account to ensure your desktop library is always being saved and updated on the EndNote cloud (EndNote Online), when you do this you will be able to view your EndNote desktop library in EndNote Online via a Web browser (including on your mobile device), or via the EndNote app for IOS devices, please see the following guides:

EndNote citation manager support:

Sync/view EndNote library in EndNote Online:

EndNote on IoS

Also see:

Transfering files for access on your mobile device, using Adobe Acrobat

Most mobile devices allow you to directly copy PDFs or other document types such as Word files to the  filestore (or connected storage, e.g. SD cards) on your mobile device, you can then open those files on your mobile device using Adobe Acrobat (or another compatible app depending on the file type). Acrobat app can also be used to navigate to PDFs within your device's storage on most devices, you may need to refer to guidance for your device's specific Operating System (e.g. Android, IOS) or model for help transfering PDFs or other files.

For Adobe Acrobat please see: 

Using Adobe Digital Editions as an app on mobile devices

You can also install Adobe Digital Editions as a mobile app provided by most app stores/operating systems, this will then allow you to add PDFs, EPUBs etc., you can also use Digital Editions to open protected documents such as ACSM files (these are provided by a few of our ebook suppliers), see:

Guidance on use of Vital Source Bookshelf for accessing documents (for students with our partner, Kaplan Open Learning)

If you are an online student with KOL you may be asked to use Vital Source for some texts provided directly by Kaplan Open Learning, our elearning partner. For enquiries about Vital Source as a mobile app for viewing Vital Source textbooks or third-party documents such as PDFs, please also refer to your online programmes support team and the following guidelines, (also see further suggestions below):

Vital Source guides on the KOL student portal:

KOL Student support:

Vital Source's app Bookshelf doesn't support most file types, but you can add EPUB files, please see this guide.

Also see note below on using Calibre to convert document types such as PDF to EPUB format.

Calibre - for managing documents, transfering files to mobile devices, converting file types etc.

Caibre is a desktop application for managing documents such as PDFs, Word files or EPUBS, you can also use Calibre to convert files types and transfer files to mobile devices.

To convert a PDF to EPUB you will need an application such as Calibre, which runs on a desktop PC or laptop, you can add a PDF by dragging or importing into Calibre then right click to convert the file to an EPUB, then view the EPUB file location to see where it has been saved so you can then upload the EPUB on your mobile device.

Calibre provides integration with mobile devices for uploading files, it doesn't however provide a mobile app, instead it can be used to manage, convert and transfer files for use on mobile devices, see:

Note on use of Cloud storage for accessing files

You can also use cloud storgage options such as OneDrive, Google Spaces or commercial options you may be subscribing personally such as ITunes to access files or documents across your different devices. You can log into your UoL Office 365 account using your Web browser to access your Microsoft OneDrive file storage at for further storage and cloud options, see the IT Services pages.

Further E-Book support, Leisure Reading, Fiction and Wellbeing collections

Many of our E-Book collections provide mobile apps, we also provide the Libby app to access our leisure, wellbeing, fiction and other collections, please see this page for details.

Key functions  provided by University of Liverpool apps include:

  • UoL Library tools (features mainly tools to access shelf collections, may be less useful for digital resources)
  • PC finder (to locate a PC at the Liverpool or London campuses)
  • UoL campus maps

Please see the University App Directory (following a link to an app will direct you to the app store for your device):