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Library for Online Programmes

Important - EndNote Desktop Installation

Unfortunately some users may experience issues downloading EndNote Desktop for Windows on the CSD Software hub, for some users their Chrome browser's security may reject the download, a workaround is to use another standard Web browser such as Firefox. Also, if the user is presented with a Windows Defender screen when installing EndNote, they can click 'More info', then 'Run anyway'.
For assistance with EndNote, including installation issues please contact the Online Librarian or schedule a session using any of the contact details shown in the Library for Online Programmes on the Support > Online Librarian page.

See Cite them Right (online referencing textbook):

Cite them Right Online Textbook


What is Referencing and Plagiarism?

When you write your assignment or dissertation you are required to refer to the work of authors. Each time you do so, it is necessary to identify their work by making reference to it in your written work. You need to reference to:

  • Show where your information came from and allow your reader to identify sources or verify data.
  • See Principles of Referencing tutorial below for an introduction to referencing.
  • For referencing styles and further guides see tabs above. Please consult your handbook or instructor for your correct Referencing Style.
  • Plagiarism is using the ideas, concepts or written material of others without proper acknowledgement of these sources. 
  • For help using Cite them Right see the video introduction.

Introduction to Principles of Referencing, Citation and Bibliographies

Understanding Plagiarism (How can I avoid Plagiarism?)


When you submit your academic work online your work will be evaluated for plagiarism in the Turnitin system. You should enclose all references in quotation marks ""  to prevent Turnitin recording the reference as plagiarism. If you are required to submit work in Turnitin. You should also use quotation marks to enclose quotations of your own previously-submitted work otherwise a plagiarism occurrence will be activated in Turnitin. Our Principles of Referencing guide (above) provides detailed information on self-referencing. 


Plagiarism means presenting the work of others as your own work

If you fail to properly reference all the sources and quotations you have used in your writing, or use the work of others verbatim (i.e. cut and pasted into your own writing without acknowledgement) then you are committing an academic offense called Plagiarism.

If you are found to have plagiarised i.e. improperly used the work of others as your own, then you will be liable for academic penalties subject to University procedures. It is important to cite i.e. present details of other authors' work correctly when used in your own writing. Please read below for further information on plagiarism and see our Referencing page for citing the work of others correctly in your own writing.

Plagiarism is the use of other author's work as your own without adequate referencing and acknowledgement.

You should be aware of plagiarism, since this is a form of academic misconduct, you will typically be expected to submit your written work through a plagiarism detection system in the Blackboard learning environment, you can be penalised for submitting plagiarised work.

What is plagiarism?

The University treats plagiarism as a matter for academic judgement.

Section 2.7 of the University’s Code of Practice on Assessment provides the following definition of plagiarism:  

"Plagiarism occurs when a student misrepresents the work or ideas of any other person (including another student) or of any institution, as his/her own work. Examples of forms of plagiarism include:

  • the verbatim (word for word) copying of another’s work without appropriate and correctly presented acknowledgement and citation of the source;
  • the close paraphrasing of another’s work by simply changing a few words or altering the order of presentation, without appropriate and correctly presented acknowledgement and citation of the source;
  • failure to reference appropriately or to adequately identify the source of material used;
  • unacknowledged quotation of phrases from another’s work;
  • the deliberate and detailed presentation of another’s concept as one’s own."

All types of work submitted by students are covered by this definition, including, for example, written work, diagrams, designs, charts, musical compositions and pictures. 

Introduction to Academic Integrity (interactive tutorial)

Also see the following guides and policies explaining how to avoid plagiarising the work of others:

Introducing Referencing Styles

Referencing styles refer to schemes or rule sets for referencing, these can sometimes refer to specific disciplines or academic areas, you should check your programme handbook or consult your adacemic tutor if you are unsure which style you are required to use for your programme. The University has adopted a Referencing Policy for the use of major, supported styles for use across the organisation and within faculties or insitutes, for details on this see the Referencing Library Guide.

Referencing styles include the following (see tabs above for detailed guides, video and tutorials on these platforms).

  • Harvard (Cite them Right) - based on the textbook 'Cite them Right', this version of Harvard is supported globally by a wide range of educational organisations, commercial Library platforms/ databases and reference management software. Unlike APA, OSCOLA etc. no definitive  version of Harvard is maintained by any single major organisation. Harvard is a multi-disciplinary style but mainly used for Management, Public Health and Computing academic areas (see your programme handbook to confirm if you are required to use Harvard or another specialist style).
  • APA (American Psychological Association) - the official style of the American Psychological Association, used for areas such as Education and Psychology. APA is very similar to Harvard styles, however this style also provides some advice for issues such as layout and footnoting.
  • OSCOLA (Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities)  - maintained by the University of Oxford, this is used for law programmes and in law practice/ legal documents, case law and other legal materials.
  • Chicago - used by some history related programmes.
  • Vancouver - used by some medicine related programmes.
  • For guides, video and tutorials providing introductions, examples and detailed advice for the above styles, please see tabs shown above on this Web page. For any styles not discussed here (such as footnoting styles, MHRA etc.) please see the Library Referencing Guide. Extensive guidance for styles is also shown in our Cite them Right online textbook (see below).

Cite them Right Online

Cite them Right Online is a digital version of the 'Cite them Right' textbook providing a wide range of advice on referencing, for a demonstration see this Youtube video or visit Cite them Right Online. You do not need to create an account in Cite them Right, just follow the link to Cite them Right Online, you may be asked for your UoL (MWS) login details. Also see this tutorial provided on understanding referencing.

Harvard (Cite them Right)

Harvard is used for disciplines such as management, computing and some health programmes. This version of Harvard is based on the Palgrave referencing textbook "Cite them Right". "Harvard (Cite them Right)" is widely supported across databases and referencing systems. 

See Harvard guidance on the Cite them Right (Online textbook)

Note on use of et al. for bibliographic citations in 'Cite them Right (Harvard)'
It is acceptable to use either 'et al.' (for more than three authors) or the full list of authors in your bibliographic lists (you should however use 'et al.' for in-text citations of more than three authors). Some citation platforms/software such as Mendeley may force the use of et al. when generating bibliographies - this should  however be acceptable for your papers/dissertation, for any queries on this please contact your Librarian.

Note on citing texts in non-English languages - 
When quoting from non-English sources, Harvard (Cite them Right) requires any in-text quotation of the work to be presented in its original language (as published), rather than attempt to paraphrase or present your own translation as a quotation. Instead you should quote the original text, then summarise or explain the topic, argument or research you are citing in the body of your work (see guideline below on 'Citing books in languages other than English'. If you are citing without quoting, such as summarising a non-English work in-text, you can similarly explain the context in your own work, using normal referencing methods to cite the work (such as indicating the author, year and pages if required).
When including a full bibliographic citation in your bibliography/reference list, you should display this using the normal convention for the resource type, there is no requirement to attempt to provide a translation of the full bibliographic reference; you may however wish to explain the content of the title or text in your own written work. Care should be taken using automatic translation systems online as these may not render original works correctly or as intended by the author.
Please also see the following advice on the Cite them Right online handbook:

Tutorials on Referencing with Harvard (Cite them Right)

Further Guides, Video and Resources

Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA)

OSCOLA is used for law programmes.

OSCOLA Cite them Right guides: 

For an online presentation on using Library databases see: Practical Research skillsFinding Case Law and Finding Legislation, also see OSCOLA Referencing Support and Guidance.

OSCOLA EndNote style
The style file will be present if you use EndNote oncampus (MWS machines) but not on the UoL software portal. Visit the EndNote OSCOLA 4th Edition page to download the stye file, then copy the file to the Program Files (x86) > EndNote 21 > Styles folder, note on Windows you may need to run Windows file manager/explorer with administrator rights. To open File Explorer with administrator rights on Windows computers:

  1. Right click the Windows desktop.
  2. Select 'New' then 'Shortcut', then  type 'explorer'.
  3. Follow prompts to create a new icon on the desktop, when the icon is created, right-click the new icon and select 'Run as Administrator'.
  4. The file manager will open displaying your computer's file structure.
  5. Browse to 'Downloads' or other location where you downloaded the style file and copy this to Program Files (x86) > EndNote 21 > Styles.

American Psychological Association (APA) 

APA is used for some psychology and education programmes.

Major APA Guides

Basics of APA Style (Brief Introduction to APA)

Further Guides, Video and Resources


Vancouver is used for some medicine programmes.


This style is used by some online records management or achival programmes

Citation Management Platforms

Citation management applications can assist you in keeping track of your references and for performing tasks such as automatic export of citations from databases or generating a bibliography for use in your academic work. You can also use tools such as browser plugins to quickly export citations viewed in databases, scholarly sources or Web sites into your reference list. Plugins are also provided for managing citations in your reference list directly in Word, this integration is optional and will require your document has a live connection to the Internet when using Web based citation platforms, citation plugins for Word will also populate your document with field codes linking to your citation system; if you choose yo use citation management plugins for Word you should ensure you maintain full/regular backups of your academic work.

EndNote Desktop is an application for Windows or Apple computers, EndNote Online is a Web based version with slightly less powerful options, you can set up 'syncing' (see below sections) in EndNote Desktop to regularly backup your work to the EN Online/ EN Cloud.
You can use the same credentials you supplied in EN Desktop sync to log into your references using your Web browser by browsing to EN Online.
If you prefer, you can simply register an account to use EN Online as a stand-alone platform (you can however input your EN Online details within EN Desktop's sync settings later to synchronise your online library in the desktop application).

Bookable EndNote sessions, recordings, consultations

See below for EndNote guides, tutorials and videos, also see: Webinars, recorded seminars and bookable live sessions for EndNote.
The Library provides bookable EndNote workshops using Microsoft Teams, see above page or see the Library training calendar (scroll a little way down the campus Library homepage). Or contact/schedule a session with the online Librarian for an individual or group session.

EndNote Click (formerly Kopernio)

EndNote Click is a Web plugin allowing you to access Full Text articles from UoL licensed or Open Access sources, the plugin also allows you to export citations from scholarly databases or WWW pages online into EndNote citation software. If you export to EndNote Online (Web-based EN), but wish to see the citation in EndNote Desktop (desktop version of EN) you can set EN Desktop to sync with EndNote Online, ensuring any exported items appear in both platorms, see notes on syncing EN Desktop with EN Online below. 

Referencing Styles online guide: 'Cite them Right'

Cite them Right (Harvard style) - based on the 'Cite them Right' online or printed textbook is the recommended style for most arts, management and health related online programmes, this should be shown in most citation management platforms as either 'Harvard (Cite them Right)' or 'Cite them Right - Harvard'. Other major styles you may be using include APA (psychology/education), OSCOLA (law), or you may be asked to use another specialist style for your subject (e.g. Vancouver, Chicago), please consult your programme handbook. Also see the styles tabs shown on this page (Harvard, APA etc.) above.

Note - when you add/manage citations/references in your citation platform/software the data is largely neutral, consisting of publication details, it is only when you export the library as a bibligraphy, insert an in-text citation using a Word plugin or similar tasks where a specific style is output. EndNote (see below Desktop or Online platforms) allows you to select a style in the interface which alters the display of styles at all times and alters the fields shown when editing or adding styles to your Library.

EndNote Online


EndNote Online is a Web based citation management platform supported by the Library. EndNote Online is recommended for online students (who will be using citation systems remotely), allowing access to your reference library via the Web browser from any location. You can continue to use your EN account after graduating, the account then reverts to Basic (public version). Please see our EndNote Online support page for a workbook and video introducing the platform, guidance activating your EndNote Online login and help importing references directly from databases. Also see the EndNote Online manual.

Registering for EN Online
For current students/staff please see our registration advice for an EN Online Premium account, rather than registering for a basic account on the EN Online login page (the free account can be registered by Alumni). If you already registered for sync in EN Desktop, the same credentials can be used to log into EN Online.

Accessing EN Online
When you have registered for an EndNote Online login (or registered for sync in EN Desktop), you can access the platform at for further details see:

Creating Bibliographies in EN Online
You can create bibliographies (reference lists) in Endnote Online by either generating a bibliography in your Word document when using the EndNote Word plugin, or you can create a stand-alone bibliography to insert in another document within EndNote Online (see the Format > Bibliography menu option), also see the note on Creating bibliographies in the EndNote Desktop section below.

Accessing additional referencing styles e.g. 'Cite them Right (Harvard)' in EndNote Online
To add additional styles in EndNote Online go to Format (top menu) > Bibliography, next to 'Bibliographic style' click 'Select Favourites', in the left column select your required style (e.g. 'Cite them Right-Harvard') and click 'Copy to Favourites'. You will now be able to access your required citation style to create a bibliography in Format > Bibliography or when using the Word plugin.

Using the EN Word Plugin (Cite While You Write)
You can download the plugin without requiring an install of EndNote Desktop from Endnote Online, go to the 'Format' tab > 'Cite While You Write Plug-In'. See the workbook or tutorial (links below) for help using the Word plugin.

EndNote Desktop


This is a desktop application (for Windows or Macintosh systems), this application provides more detailed options for managing citations, this application can be useful for medicine related programmes when processing large volumes of reference data, systematic review and complex manipulation of references (e.g. automatic filtering and sorting). 

Note - to download EndNote Desktop, see the CSD Software downloads page then see the 'Software Portal' (requires MWS/UoL login i.e. your Library username/password, do not supply email or LOE details). 

For guidance using EndNote Desktop, including a full workbook to practice EN tasks and our EN Advanced workbook see our EndNote Desktop support page and EN FAQ.

If you have problems installing the full version of EndNote, please see this guide to resolve the issue.

Creating bibliographies - When you use the Word plugin for EndNote, citations are automatically added to a bibliography at the end of your Word document.

Stand-Alone bibliography - If you wish to create a stand-alone bibliography from your Endnote library (e.g. without using the Word plugin), you can generate a bibliography within EndNote Desktop (e.g. for inclusion into another document), see this guide. You can also generate a stand-alone bibliography by logging into your library in EndNote Online, then use the Format > Bibliography option.

Note on saving an EN library to cloud drives: you are advised not to save your EndNote Desktop references (library) to OneDrive or other cloud 'folders' on your harddrive, this is because if you select a cloud 'folder' or 'drive' on your computer, the EndNote library can be corrupted. Instead, please enable syncing within EndNote Desktop to ensure your library is backed-up regularly to the EndNote cloud, see advice below.

Important Note - syncing your data to EndNote Online (the EndNote cloud) - EndNote Desktop is not Web-based and stores references on your local computer. If you are using EndNote Desktop on a personal device (e.g. installed on your own computer off-campus) you should create an EndNote Online account (see details above) and ensure synchronisation is enabled in your EndNote Desktop installation, this will ensure your reference library is stored and synced online, avoiding loss of data, also see advice on setting up syncing to EN Online below.

Instructions for Syncing EndNote Desktop 

In EndNote Desktop go to Edit > Preferences > SyncIf you already have an EN Online account, supply the same email address and password when you registered for EndNote Online.  Alternatively, click 'Enable Sync', then click 'Sign Up' to create an EN Online account. You are advised to use your UoL ( email when registering. Please note your EndNote Online login details when setting these:


Ensure 'Sync Automatically' is checked, then click 'OK. 

If you enable sync with EndNote Online your reference Library will be periodically saved to EndNote Online, protecting against data loss on your computer, you can also log into the Web-based EndNote Online platform ( with your login details to manage your Library. Also see our EN FAQ for help using sync settings.

Refworks  - Supported on a Legacy Basis until Autumn 2021

Our RefWorks license has now ceased, for support obtaining your legacy data from Refworks please see our RefWorks support page.