Search theses and dissertation sources, note - the Library does not retain Masters works, for PhD/ academic research see campus Repository.
You can search the University repository site to search for existing online theses and research materials created/ uploaded by UoL research, PhDs and other research based activities. For advanced options see the Advanced Search page, note, to search by degree type, e.g. Doctor of Business Administration, see the 'Qualification Level' area a little way down the advanced page and select the required degree programme. Also see pre-prepared search results below for DBA and EdD theses.
Also note, there is no login required to search or download documents from the repository. Doctoral students may however need to log in when uploading their own thesis on competion of studies (see notes below). Also note, the repository is not used to store or upload Masters dissertations, for Masters samples please contact your programme team.
For help searching for repository materials please see contacts options shown on the repository site, for further advice on searching for materials please consult your Librarian.
All Doctoral Students, including those registered for online programmes must submit their thesis to the University repository before the doctoral degree can be awarded. You should not attempt to upload your doctoral thesis into the University Repository until you have received a request from the University or your research support team providing instructions for uploading the thesis into the 'Elements' platform.
You should log into the Elements platform using your University of Liverpool MWS username and password, this is the same login you use to access the online Library. If you have never activated your UoL (MWS) login, you will need to activate your login at please see these instructions. For further help activating your UoL (MWS) login or login problems please see the contact page.
For further information on requirements for uploading the thesis into Elements please consult the Postgraduate Research Code of Practice, see Appendix 7.
Also see the Liverpool Elements support site. Also see the Library repository team email address
Content retained in the Research Repository is available under an Open Access license agreement, this means the content can be freely accessed over the WWW. For further information on Open Access terms and policies please see our Open Access Library Guide (LibGuide).
Online doctoral theses which have gone through all submission processes and which are not embargoed – e.g. when a thesis contains sensitive/commercial/ethical data and has been withheld for a period of time – should be shown on the UoL research repository, you can see a link to the repository in the left menu option 'E-Resources' > 'Theses and Dissertations' of the Library for Online Programmes or go to
To limit your search to online DBA or EdD theses, see the advanced search page then scroll down a little way to see ‘Qualification level’ – you will see check boxes for ‘Doctor of Education’ and ‘Doctor of Business Administration’. You can also see pre-defined search results/links for DBA and EdD theses on the repository page (see tab above).